I’ve caught the first of what is usually several seasonal bugs this week. Been working, but mostly from the sofa. Interesting stuff happened this week, but it was interspersed with coughing.

What I’ve been doing

I’m been exploring new services. Can’t talk much about them publicly here, but putting my PM hat on for a little while and working with engineers on what some new services look like it always something I enjoy doing.

Also been working with our customer teams on fixing some long standing problems that will really improve the consistency of our customer experience.

What I’ve been thinking about

Well you know I love tweaking this site and adding more to it, so I’m been thinking about adding more slashpages.

I’ve also been spending a bit more time building out a blogpost roadmap. Wondering if I should take that out of my Notion page and post it here as a slashpage.

What I’ve been reading

Well it’s been Microsoft Build this week so I’m been digging into all the announcements on their usual Book of News

What I’ve been watching

  • Foundation (Apple TV) - Based on the work of Isaac Asmimov this is your traditional sci-fi affair. The first season is a bit dry and requires some serious watching but I’m told season 2 is a bit of an easier watch.
  • Doctor Who - Series 14 (BBC/Disney) - I don’t even have to tell you more about this. I love it. Binge watching both the main series and the behind the scenes and commentaries.

What I’ve been listening to

Well our car has been full of Taylor Swift for years now, especially as my daughter is really into a the moment. So with the release of the new The Tortured Poets Department album, I like everyone else have it pumping into my ears.

What I’ve been doing in the real world

Actually not much this week. With being slightly ill I’ve been much less active then usual and some of my regular personal todo items have fallen by the way side. Hoping this will pick up over the weekend and into next week.